10 אוגוסט, 2012

Dalvík Celebrates Fish Festival

מתוך אתר
Dalvík Celebrates Fish Festival Tomorrow
The annual Great Fish Day in Dalvík, North Iceland, is being held tomorrow.


From a previous Great Fish Day. Photo by Páll Stefánsson.

The feature of the event is the seafood buffet on offer at the town harbor between 11 am and 5 pm. The menu changes every year.
Other festival attractions include exhibitions, street theater, music, and a cruise on the fjord.
An estimated 30,000 visitors attended the festival last year, multiplying the population of Dalvík, which has less than 2,000 inhabitants.
Heavy traffic has been reported on the roads heading to the north of the country, according to ruv.is. 

Click here for more information on the festival.

הכותב יוסי לוי joseph levy הינו מומחה לאיסלנד iceland, המלווה קבוצות בנהיגה עצמית בלבד, והמתכנן מסלולי טיול לפי מידת המטייל,והמשמש כמומחה באתר http://www.gotravel.co.il/.
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